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{"domain":"lizzombysaturday.myshopify.com" }
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- Choices can be tricky.
- They can make you and break you.
- They can be the difference between fear and freedom.
- Between now and never.
- Between standing up for yourself and being walked all over.
- Between you and the others.
- So we make the ones that make you feel good.
- And then also extend it to the rest of the world.
- The ones that not only allow you to feel good but also do good.
- Now imagine making 10,000 of those choices in your lifetime.
- A woman will use at least 10-12,000 sanitary napkins or tampons in her lifetime.
- Making it one of the most important choices you will ever make in your life.
- Make a choice that counts.
- Make the one that’s good.